Just below the surface, a new world is teeming with life
The development, implementation and maintenance of a network of underwater routes in areas of particular natural and touristic interest aims at functioning as an efficient management tool for ecological maintenance, as well as a surplus-value for the touristic offer, in particular for the nature tourism offer of the region.
Dive and be amazed by these prolific, colourful seas!
Gruta do Martinhal
Situated on the West side of the islets of Martinhal, this sea cave is one of the smallest of Sagres, with low complexity topography, a single main entrance, and 16m deep.

Ponta dos Caminhos
Also called “O Santuário”, this diving site is located at the edge of the cliff that surrounds the bay of Martinhal. The diving area has two huge natural and parallel tunnels, linked at the surface.

To do the route, the diver must follow the rocky wall that can be seen along the entire trail on the left hand side of the diver.

Praia da Marinha
The path starts near the rocky outcrop which delimits the beach on the West side.

Praia dos Arrifes
This route was selected for having different and unusual habitats that are characteristic of the Algarve coastal area, including a seagrass meadow of Cymodocea nodosa, protected by the Habitat Directive.